Software Engineering Projects:

Pixel Duel Screen shot

Pixel Duel - HTML/JS/Canvas

Pixel duel is a lo-fi fencing game created as an homage to old freeware games of the early DOS gaming era. It features a simultaneous 2 player VS mode played side by side on a single keyboard. The gameplay is enhanced by an 8-bit inspired sountrack and synthesized sound effects. Duel it out with a friend to see who is the champion!

Go Away! app screen shot

Go Away! - Django App

Go away is a travel itinerary planning app. It is designed to help with all the planning and logistics that go into planning a vacation! From where to go, to where to stay, to the local weather, you can plan your whole trip day by day. Aftwards you can leave notes about what you like and what you didn't, and also post photos of your public trips for other users to see!

Project 3W - Mongoose/Express/React (Group Project)

Project W3 is a full-stack application that allows you to create your own goals list and share it with the world! (or keep it private if you prefer) Each goal has 3 main components:

  • What: what you want to achieve

  • When: a deadline for your goal or, if you're not a fan of timers, when your goal starts

  • Why: that's what makes your goal special and unique, the Why, your specific reason and motivation to achieve your goal!

You can browse other users' goals and motivate them by leaving a like or a comment and, if you really like their goal, you can copy it on your own list.